The Girl in the Spider's Web by
David Lagercrantz
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
The Girl In the Spider’s Web is the FOURTH instalment which most of us millennium fans had been waiting for. The book reached my hands quite early, but as I was stuck with a slow but steady historical mystery, I was not able to pick it up. Firstly, this book isn’t(I guess) the unfinished fourth book which Steig Larson had left when he was suddenly and sadly taken away from us. David Lagercrantz just took the characters and meshed them into a plot created by him, which was true to the themes of the original Larsson trilogy.
The first thing that I noticed while reading was that Mr. Lagercrantz never compromised with the speed. The first three books were lengthy, and though they never held a typical pure cat and mouse chase between the good and the bad, the books were never dull or slow. The fourth one was also the same. But, one sore thumb coming out of the book was the fact that the villains never felt complete. Their characterisation or their background somehow left me wanting for more. And the sad thing was that these guys were real interesting characters. Some detailing on them would have been much appreciated.
Other than this small glitch, the whole endeavour came out as smooth as silk. The violence made me sick, the pace made me giddy, Lisbeth’s prowess with the computer made me smile and to top it all Mr. Lagercrantz also made that one character appear in a big way, whose name always was mentioned in the previous books, but she always maintained to remain in the background. All in all this was a truly enjoyable read, and I hope this is not just one book affair, and we continue to get a series out of this.
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